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How to Make a DIY Golf Bag Storage Rack

Have you ever thought about making your own golf bag storage rack?

Where do you store your golf bag and other golf equipment? There are two common answers to this question. The first is that you simply leave all of your golf stuff in the trunk of your car. This can be problematic and can actually impact your score. Extreme temperatures (both hot and cold) can affect how your golf balls perform and the long-term performance of your golf clubs. The second answer is typically in a garage. This is better than your trunk, but your golf equipment and golf accessories can quickly turn your garage into a mess. Suddenly, your two-car garage is a “no car” garage. There has to be a better way!

Golf Bag Storage Rack – How to DIY

Reducing Clutter

You can quickly reduce the clutter with a golf bag storage rack. It’s possible you could even build it yourself – in other words, DIY your new golf bag storage rack. To be successful, you’ll need some basic skills, but you don’t need to be a licensed carpenter. In fact, it’s easier than you might think. We can help! Read below and use your next rainy weekend to build a golf bag storage rack. Your equipment will last longer and you’ll have more space in your garage. Let’s get started.

What You’ll Need For A DIY Golf Storage Rack

You first need to find, acquire, or buy the materials and tools you’ll need to build a golf storage rack. You may already have most of them in that cluttered garage of yours!


1 x Plywood, ½” Thick, Full Sheet
1 x Plywood, ½” Thick, Half Sheet
1 x Board, 1×12, 48”
1 x Board, 1×2, 72”
1 x Iron On Plywood Edge Veneer
20 x 1 ¼” Brad Nails
50 ¾” Screws

The next step is to pull together the tools you’ll need for your DIY project.


Tape Measure
Nail Gun
Milter Saw
Circular Saw

Steps To Build A DIY Golf Storage Rack

Before we start building, it’ll help if you have an understanding of the final product. When you finish the project what will you have and how should you use it?


Your golf storage rack will stand 38” tall and 45” wide. You’ll have a 28” area for golf bags (this should be wide enough for two normal-size bags. You will have 3 shelves that are 11” wide – these are perfect for storing your golf shoes, golf balls, or other golf accessories. You should have plenty of storage for all of your golf equipment.

Step 1: Build The Frame

Attach the bottom of your golf storage rack to the back piece of wood. The base will be 15” – use the screws to attach.

Attach the first interior side to the back using screws, 11″ in from the right side. This will become one side of the golf bag storage area. This will be the divider between your golf bag area and your shelves.

Attach the next interior side to the back, using screws. Attach it 2″ in from the left side – this will be left outside of your golf bag storage rack.

Step 2: Plan For Your Shelves

Now it’s time to measure and add your shelves to the right of the golf bag area. The first decision is how many shelves you want. The more you add, the shorter they’ll be. We recommend you go with 3, but you could also choose 2. Consider the types of items you plan to store on these shelves.


Measure carefully and place holes where you plan to add your shelves. This is one way you can make this project your own. The height of your shelves is totally up to you.

Step 3: Add The Exterior Sides

Next, you need to attach the exterior sides to your golf bag storage rack. One will need to go on the left (outside of the golf bag area) and the other on the right (outside of where your shelves will be placed).

You may find this is easier to accomplish with the help of a friend to hold the wood in place while you screw it together. If you don’t have any friends (we are sorry), you can always use a clamp.

Step 4: Add Your Shelves

Now it’s time to add the shelves that you planned out in Step 2. Put the pegs in the holes you made earlier and slide in the shelves. Make sure they fit well and that they’re strong enough to hold your golf equipment.

Step 5: Put The Finishing Touches On Your Golf Bag Storage Rack

The construction is complete, but that doesn’t mean you’re done. There are several things you may want to do before calling this DIY project done.

First, you should stain or paint your golf bag storage rack. Be creative. Give it a cool design or add your favorite golf logo. Are you a big fan of Tiger Woods? Maybe your storage rack should be red & black like Tiger on a Sunday. It doesn’t have to stop there – add your favorite golf stickers or golf organizations. The USGA (United States Golf Association) always includes a sticker in their mailings.

In other words, make it your own. Your golf bag storage can be both functional and fashionable. Make it the centerpiece of your garage.

Protect Your Equipment & Clean Up Your Garage

We love DIY projects that can help you in more than one way. The golf bag storage rack is a great example. Not only is it a safer place to keep your golf equipment than the trunk of your car, but it will also reduce clutter. Two birds – one stone.

Does the project seem intimidating? Are you uncomfortable with power tools? We think you can do it, but if for some reason you’d prefer to leave it to a professional, we understand. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a golf bag storage rack. You find them online – they’re made by several golf manufacturers. Or, you can give a “handy” friend a call – let them build it and you can treat them to a round of golf and a trip to the 19th hole. A great deal for everyone involved.


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