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Are the Red Sox Done This Season?

Currently, five and a half games out of the last playoff spot in the AL East, some wonder whether the Red Sox season is over.

Is the Red Sox Season Done?

Alex Cora has a penchant for allowing his relief pitchers to get roughed up. With last evening’s beat down of Kyle Barraclough, fans may wonder if the team and front office are throwing in the towel.

Sox Still Only Five and a Half Games Out of Last Playoff Spot

Cora’s decision last night was discerning, especially for a team still in a playoff race. With 30 games in the regular season, the Sox’s last need is a shot to their confidence or morale. Of those 30 games, The Sox have two remaining against the Astros. Five games remain against the Tampa Bay Rays, who hold the top wild-card spot. The Sox also have three games left against the Toronto Blue Jays, who are currently two and a half behind the Astros for the final wild-card spot. Three games remain against the Texas Rangers, who are ahead (percentage-wise) of the Astros for a playoff spot. The remainder of the Red Sox schedule includes games against the lowly Kansas City Royals and Chicago White Sox. Unfortunately, the Sox also have games against AL East-leading Baltimore and fierce rival, the New York Yankees.

Difficulty Beating the Teams They Should Beat

The Red Sox have needed help to beat the teams they are supposed to win this season. While the Red Sox should beat the Royals and White Sox in their remaining games against both teams, that is not a given. This has been a recurring theme this season. Regardless of sport, Championship teams know that to become the best, they must beat the opponents they “should” win. Does that mean the Red Sox are not a championship-caliber team this year? Does it mean they likely will not qualify for a playoff spot? Not necessarily.

Beating the Teams, They Should Not Beat

Conversely, the Red Sox have successfully beaten teams they should not. The Sox have won some of the better teams throughout MLB this season. That is to say, the Sox have beaten teams that they should not have hit. While they may not win the groups they are supposed to beat, they also beat the teams they are not supposed to. Not exactly a recipe for success. Thus, if the Sox beat the teams they should win and the ones they should not, they would be in a playoff spot right now. Whether they are a championship-caliber team is irrelevant at this point. Whether they make the playoffs is what they should be focused on. To do that, they must continue to beat the teams they are not supposed to and beat the teams they should.


Are the Red Sox done this season? It is a question that will only be asked more and more after last night’s debacle. What fans need to hope for is that the Sox, first and foremost, do something they have had a hard time doing this season: beating teams they should win. Second, fans need to hope that the Sox continue their good fortune of beating teams they should not beat. If the Sox can do those two things, they will make the playoffs. Then, and only then, should the question, Is this a champion-caliber team, be asked. If the Sox cannot meet both requirements above requirements, it will be time to roll out the tarps at Fenway.


Main Photo Credits: David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports


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